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BIS certification for domestic manufacturer in India - Form V


    CliniExpert-usp test license

    Are you a domestic manufacturer seeking to elevate your brand and gain a competitive advantage in the market? Look no further! CliniExperts understand the importance of BIS ISI Mark certification for domestic manufacturers like you, and we're here to empower you with excellence.


    The regulatory body to provide the certification scheme to domestic manufacturers for products conforming to the Indian Standards under Scheme - I is the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).
    • There are 2 options for obtaining the certification scheme for products conforming to the Indian Standards under Scheme – I.
    • The application must be made in Form V, as specified in the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) (Conformity Assessment) regulations 2018 – Scheme I, along with the required documents as per Form V.
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    Who Can Apply?

    • The products manufactured must conform to the Indian Standard Specifications (ISS).
    • Domestic manufacturers manufacturing products which come under mandatory certification by the Central Government as per the Provision of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Act 2016 or other Acts.

    How To Apply?

    The Applicant must follow the following process:

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      There are 2 options for obtaining the certification scheme for products conforming to the Indian Standards under Scheme – I.

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      The application form (Form V), along with the required documents must be submitted.

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      Only online applications (including payment) for obtaining the certification scheme for products conforming to the Indian Standards under Scheme – I are accepted by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).

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      The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) grants the certification based on successful assessment of the manufacturing infrastructure, quality control, process control and testing capabilities of the manufacturer.

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      The conformity of the product to the relevant Indian Standard(s) is established via testing in the manufacturing premises or via third-party laboratory testing or both.



    The validity of the license is up to 2 years which can then be renewed for up to 5 years.

    Fee Involved

    During the submission of application, the applicant must pay the mandatory fees as follows:

    • An application fee of ₹ 1000/-
    • Factory inspection fee of ₹ 7000/- per man-day.
    • 50% of the minimum marking fee (notified separately for each product).

    Important Documents

    Important Documents
    • Form V - Application form.
    • Required documents as stated in Form V
    • Conforming test report(s) of product samples and of raw material(s) issued by third-party laboratory(ies).
    • During the manufacturing factory visit, a self-evaluation and verification report in the proforma, as stated in Annexure – II.

    Timeline to get Grant of License is as per the option selected while applying, For Option I - 90 Working days and Option II - 30 Working days from Bureau of Indian Standards

    Essential Tips

    The essential processes which must be done for obtaining the certification scheme for products conforming to the Indian Standards under Scheme – I are:

    • The manufacturer must have suitable manufacturing infrastructure.
    • The manufacturer must have suitable quality control, process controls and testing capabilities for the product as per the Indian Standard Specifications (ISS).
    • The product must conform to the relevant Indian Standard(s).
    Expert Advise

    All manufacturing and testing facilities must be present at the manufacturing factory premises.

    The manufacturer must check the marking fee for the applicable Indian Standard Specifications (ISS).

    The manufacturer must check whether their product comes under Scheme – I and which Indian Standard does it conform to.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Will the manufacturer still be able to obtain the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) license if the product specific guidelines are not defined?

    Yes, the manufacturer will still be able to obtain the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) license as per Scheme I of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) (Conformity Assessment) regulation 2018. This is defined as the ‘All India First License’. However, the manufacturer first needs to apply for a new product for licensing.

    Can manufacturers apply the same registration for their different brands of products manufactured at the same manufacturing factory premise?

    No, a new registration must be applied for, for every different brand of product which has been manufactured at the same manufacturing factory premise.

    Can manufacturers apply the same registration for the same product manufactured at different manufacturing factory premises?

    No, a new registration must be applied for, for every different manufacturing factory premise.

    Which laboratory test reports are acceptable to the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for the purpose of grant of license under option 2?

    The test reports issued only by the laboratories approved by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) are acceptable for the grant of license under option 2.

    What does deferment of license mean?

    If the license is under suspension and the application of renewal and renewal fees are not received until the date of validity of license, then its renewal can be deferred or delayed as per the provision of Regulation 8 of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) (Conformity Assessment) Regulations 2018.