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FSSAI Regulations for Caffeinated Beverages

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Summary: FSSAI has added standards for caffeinated beverages and use of blue tint in the plastic bottles related to beverages non-alcoholic…

Millions of people consume caffeinated or carbonated beverages like cola and energy drinks every day. Adolescents and young adults are taking energy drinks in order to increase endurance, attention, and stamina. This is only increasing health risks despite the commercials showing their benefits in TV. It is a billion dollar industry now in India; increasing a rate of 20-25% every year.

Energy drinks are non-alcoholic beverages containing stimulants like caffeine and other ingredients and additives. According to a study published by World Health Organisation, the health risks associated with non-alcoholic beverages is due to the presence of caffeine.1 Caffeine overdose can cause various symptoms in youth and adults like palpitations, over-stimulation and behavioral changes. It can cause serious side effects in children and in pregnant women.

Due to the increasing trend of consumption of non-alcoholic beverages, FSSAI has added new standards in Food safety and standards regulations, 2011 regarding caffeinated beverages and the use of blue tint in the plastic bottles under the section related to Beverages Non-alcoholic Carbonated food products. This amendment is operational from 4th November 2016 with immediate effect.


Recommended Standards for Caffeinated beverages by FSSAI



The quality of water used in caffeinated beverages should be according to the standards of packaged drinking water as prescribed in Food safety and standards regulations, 2011.


Essential composition

The recommended amount of caffeine proposed by FSSAI is not less than 145 mg/litre and more than 300 mg/litre.


Optional Ingredients

Food business operators (FBOs) are required to take permission from the FSSAI if there is any addition of ingredient in the composition of the caffeinated drinks. For example, flavors, artificial sweeteners, additives, sweeteners.


Carbonated drinks should have a label-stating maximum per day consumption not more than 500  ml.

The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamins like thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 is one RDA in the caffeinated products.

Given below is the table containing the substance and their maximum amount of a substance for per day consumption as proposed by FSSAI:


Substance Maximum amount per day consumption
Taurine 2000 mg
D-glucurono-Y-lactone 1200 mg
Inositol 100 mg
Pantothenic acid 10 mg



Proper labelling must be there about the amount of caffeine per pack/serve. Prominent display in precautions part of the food product regarding warning; “Not recommended for children, pregnant, women who are breastfeeding, people allergic to caffeine.”


Standards for addition of Blue Tint in carbonated bottles

Blue tint used in the plastic bottles made of polycarbonate and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in 5 litre pack bottle or above must follow Indian standard; IS:9833. The amount of pigment/colour must not exceed 60 mg/litre as per IS:9845.


CliniExperts, New Delhi provides regulatory services to food business operators all over the world. We will help you to know any regulation or information related to caffeinated or carbonated beverages. If you have any query regarding caffeinated or carbonated beverages, please free to contact us at +91-11-40536928 or drop a mail at contact@cliniexperts.com.



  1. Operationalization of caffeinated beverages Blue Tint 7_11_16 pdf. Available at: http://www.fssai.gov.in/Portals/0/pdf/Operationalization_Caff_Beve_Blue_Tint_07_11_2016.pdf. Accessed: 26.12.16.



Saurangi is a food regulatory expert with 8 years of experience. She shares her knowledge and insights on regulatory updates, food trends, best practices, and news. Follow her for expert insights and practical advice on all things for food regulatory

Saurangi Shah

CliniExperts Services Pvt. Ltd.


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