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Import / Export of six unregulated chemicals

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Importer & Manufacturer   |   CBN
18 August, 2023
Enforcement Date: 18 August, 2023
Import / Export of six unregulated chemicals

The United Nations Convention 1988 identified 33 chemicals for regulation and any import or export of these chemicals is to be notified to the importing or exporting country via INCB system of Pre-Export Notification. Out of these 33 chemicals, 6 chemicals are not regulated in India. Hence, the Central Bureau of Narcotics is unable to reply to the Pre Export Notification as per the obligations of the Convention.

narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Any import or export of these chemicals have to be notified to the importing or exporting country through the INCB system of Pre-Export Notification. 27 chemicals have been regulated in India. The remaining 6 chemicals (acetone, ethyl ether, hydrochloric acid, piperidine, sulfuric acid, toluene) are not regulated and hence, information about their import and export is unavailable. Therefore, to facilitate business with these 6 chemicals, if the trade faces any difficulty, the importer / exporter may adopt voluntary code and obtain a letter from the Bureau by providing details such as Profile of the Company, Purchase Order, and End Use Declaration on a case-to-case basis. A letter would be issued from the office within 7 days of receipt of application.

Applicable For: Importer & Manufacturer
Reference Number: NA Notification Link

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