On 3 November 2021, under FSS (Import) First Amendment Regulation, 2021, it was decided that the registration of foreign food manufacturing facilities under specific food categories exporting milk and milk products, infant food, meat and meat products, egg powder and nutraceuticals food categories is a mandatory requirement.
Concerning this, on 10 October 2022, the Food Safety and Standard Authority of India and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare published a notice ordering the Competent Authorities of all exporting countries to present a list of manufacturers planning to export such food categories into India.
The Competent Authorities must collect the information and mention it as prescribed in the format attached to this notice- (Country name, Address, Manufacturer details, License number, Name and HS code of products to be exported) with the signature and seal of the Authorised signatory. In addition, the list must be attached to email IDs: dramit.sharma@fssai.gov.in and import@fssai.gov.in.
Based on this list, the registration of such manufacturing facilities will be considered by FSSAI at its portal. Furthermore, this order will be a practical application date of the FSSAI order is 1 February 2023.