The Legal Metrology Department of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, is responsible for looking after the rules and regulations related to weights and measures in the country. This wing keeps an eye on the manufacturing, import, sale and repair of weights and measures instruments, devices and equipments.
Devices such as weighing scales, thermometers, hygrometers, balances, blood pressure monitors, measuring tapes etc., fall under the purview of the Legal Metrology department. In simpler terms, any device which is intended for weighing, measuring or scaling any object in a specific quantity on metric or imperial scale falls under the purview of Legal Metrology.
Legal Metrology has definite and stringent rules related to weighing and measuring devices. Any importer, manufacturer, dealer, or repairer must obtain a proper valid license from the Legal metrology department to conduct their respective operations.
CliniExperts has been a pioneer in this field and has helped numerous companies and individuals obtain these registrations and license, pulling the burden of the painful application procedure from their head.
The provision for registration as an importer of weighing and measuring devices has been defined in the Legal Metrology (General) Rules, 2011. Any company vying to import weighing and measuring equipment in India, must apply for a registration as the Importer of Weights and Measures, to the Director of Central Legal Metrology.
The application to the Director, is applied through the respective State Authority which is channelized to Central Authority or Central Authority directly where the import of goods will be conducted. This application is filed in Schedule X under rule 15 along with some documents, and is obtained under section 19. The rule is applicable to all companies who plan to import any equipment, devices and instruments defined under the Legal Metrology Rules.
It is important to note here that the application must be filed at least one month before the import will commence. The same time limit applies for the renewal of expired licenses.
The Legal Metrology Department charges an application fee and the validity of the registration can be a minimum of 1 year or a maximum of 5 year.
Timeline for obtaining the registration is approximately 45 days or more. But at CliniExperts, our team ensures that an application in proper format along with required documents is submitted. Thus expediting the process so you receive your Importer registration as soon as possible.
Any company planning to manufacture weighing and measuring equipment in India, must obtain a Manufacturing License from the Legal Metrology Department. Any other similar equipment being manufactured will be considered by the licensing authority for granting the license. However, model approval still will have to be obtained.
The application process for this manufacturing license falls under the Legal Metrology Rules 2010, and the State Legal Metrology Enforcement Rules, 2011.
The application for manufacturing license is filed using Form LM-1 as per schedule II-A. Whereas, the license shall be obtained using Form LM-3 as per schedule III.
The application has to be submitted along with a number of documents and an application fee. The validity of the license can be between one year minimum to five years maximum. Moreover, a renewal for the license shall be filed within three months from the date of expiry. The process takes about a month and a half for completion on regular basis without employing any experts. Additionally, your application might get rejected due to insufficient and improper documents.
To take this burden off your head, CliniExperts helps you in collecting and segregating the required documents along with a proper cover letter for the application. Our regular follow ups and liaison with department ensure that your manufacturing license is approved and granted within the least possible time.
The dealer license is applicable to a person or company involved in the trading and marketing of weights and measures. The provision for granting a dealer license falls under the State Legal Metrology (Enforcement) Rules, 2011 of the Legal Metrology Enforcement Rules, 2010.
If the importer/manufacturer want to act as the dealer of the equipment, he/she must also obtain the Dealer License in addition to the importer/manufacturer license.
Form LD-1 as per schedule-IIA is the application form for license as a dealer in weights and measures. Whereas Form LD-2 of schedule-IIB is the application for renewal of a dealer license. The license is granted in Form LD-3as per schedule-III.
Obtaining the dealer license varies from state to state.Different states have different application fees and different timelines for approval of the license. The validity of the license is between one year minimum to five years maximum.
If a dealer wants to trade and market weights and measures in more than one state, he/she must obtain separate dealer license for each desired state of operation.
Preparation of documents, application, and other major and minor chores is a tedious and time taking task. Especially if you are not familiar with the process. Moreover, without regular follow ups, the application procedure may take around a couple of months to complete. This is where we come in. CliniExperts has presence in all states across India. We’ll help you prepare and file your application.
The Legal Metrology department has defined rules even for people or companies who are involved in the repair and servicing of weighing and measuring instruments falling under the Legal Metrology purview.
The licensing procedure to act as a repairer falls under the State Legal Metrology (Enforcement) Rules, 2011. It is applicable to any company or individual seeking to carry out repair work on respective products.
As per Schedule-IIA, Form LR-1 is used for filing the application for the repair license. Whereas, the permission is obtained in Form LR-3 as per Schedule III. A different form is also available for filing a renewal application.
The applicant is required to submit an application with several documents. Such as, address proof/rent agreement of the shop, details of machinery and resources available, type of articles proposed for repair, previous experience and numerous other details.
The application is submitted to the State Legal Metrology licensing authority along with an application fee. The timeline for approval of the repair license is more or less 45 days. The obtained license may bear a validity period of minimum one year and maximum five years.
For pre-registered repairers, a renewal must be filed within three months from the date of expiry of the license.
A repair license might seem to be a simple application with a normal procedure. However, even a minor mistake in submission of documents and details might result in the cancellation of the application. Thus seeking the help of professional is always wiser.
CliniExperts provides dedicated help to people and companies applying for repair licenses with their State Legal Metrology Department.
For more details please feel free to contact us at or +91 7672005050.
Saurangi is a food regulatory expert with 8 years of experience. She shares her knowledge and insights on regulatory updates, food trends, best practices, and news. Follow her for expert insights and practical advice on all things for food regulatory
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